Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday 9/10

gymnastics work week 11 day 2 - Did it, like the couplets
A.  SLO @ 85% of snatch x 5 x 3.. pause for 2 sec. just above knee - 140#

 Felt these in the booty.

B.  Front 1/4 squat w/ straps @ 100% of clean x 5 x 4.. hold final rep for 10 sec. on final rep - 200#

This was weird. Really happy was shown the right way to do these. 

Didn't have time to do C or D. Should have picked up the pace in the morning to get it all in, by the time I got back to Milford I figured the most productive thing to do was the metcon. So busy with work/stuff dealing with my apt at the moment..


Monday night's sesh instead...
BS @ 275/185

Apparently this was suppose to be a grinder and broken up into sets? Jeff was telling me that after I had already done this. Tried to go unbroken with everything, obviously that didn't happen. Went UB back squats which I guess it's cool cause those are weaker for me. Went 10, 6/2, 4/2, 3/1, 2 with MU. Really pissed I missed the last rep of MU on the 4th round. Still bumming hard about it but I guess fatigue mixed with getting off rhythm on the rings will do that...Oh well.

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