Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday 10/26

A.  No hook grip Sn from pause @ knee; 50x2, 60x2x2, 70x2x2, 80x2x2 - 90#, 110#, 125#, 145# needless to say, I got 0 reps at 145# this no hook thing is really hard. Definitely feel a difference though as far as not hitting the bar off my hip outward and having to have a faster turn over

Hit first rep, whoops the second, so did a third - 125#

So close!

B.  Sn; 70x2, 80x2 singles x 2, 85x1x3, 70x5 singles - 125#, 145#, 155#, 125# I felt strong this morning, my thumb kinda hurts a bunch from cutting the nail too short and now the skin is peeling back. Ryan helped figure out what my problem is with going heavier in the snatch and why its not working out so well. Im glad I captured it from this side, you can see that my foot (feet) shift backwards. The left foot more than the right and Im not sure what has been causing this screw up in hard wiring but Ry suggested I start warming up with snatch balances/drop snatches to drill my feet back into the proper catch position.

145# a little sloppy


C.  BS; 50x3, 60x2, 70x2, 80x3x3, 90x1x2, 80x3x2 - 135#, 155#, 175#, 200#, 225#, 200# Squatting felt great. 225# felt so light. When I got back around to the last set of 80% I could feel fatigue set in. Legs so sore today.

Everything else I am doing later...had to come into work early, but when I got here, no one was here so that was kind of a waste of my life...ugh
D.  Push Press + Push Jerk; 60x2, 70x2, 80x1x2

8 minute amrap - 70% effort - 
10 db renegade rows @ 35# per hand (5/side)
10 hollow rocks
10 double kb front rack lunge steps @ 35# per hand

rest till HR is recovered

1 T2B
1 bar MU
18 wall balls, 14# - unbroken
x8 minutes

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