Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Monday 6/22

Couldn't make it in this morning. Somehow crammed everything into a little over an hour. Efficient? Yes. Smart for recovery? Not at all.

A.  High Hang Snatch x - off feel.. start @ 50% of snatch for set of 4 reps - 95#, 105#, 125#, 135#, 145#


B.  Back Squat; 85%x3x4 sets - 215# Ughhh

UB pull ups
UB wall balls, 14# to 10 ft.
I know what youre thinking, "why did this hoe take so long?!" Well, it is because I went straight from the previous workout immediately into this. After the first round there was a solid minute of debate between Bry and I if I should actually be doing this. I just kept doing it. I dont think I broke up much besides the standard 11 DL into 1 DL in the HPC thing.

Life things:
- Tons of stress these past few weeks. Work place tacking on things at the last minute/working on weekends + building a new room onto the apt + maintaining healthy relationships with boyfriend/family/friends is becoming impossible + countless birthdays/weddings/events + doctors appointments = me a crying mess trying to make everyone happy

- Parents are tons more supportive of the sport and where its taking myself and the team so thats cool

- I got a lot of t-shirts sold over the weekend (yay)

- Im worried about money a lot lately because I forgot to submit my timesheet and as a contracted employee they treat me like shit and dont help remedy the problem

- Ive come to accept the long runs/rows/hellish metcons I have on Tuesdays/Wednesdays so my mental game is on fleek there

- Im scared of California. Not the Games. California. I feel like everyone there talks slow, sells or uses cocaine, is a liar, is apart of a motorcycle gang, is an annoying hippie, and is greasy.

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