Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wednesday training + life reflection 6/25

So, since this is my blog and I can do and write whatever I want in this I decided I was going to write a little reflection post for myself so that when I look back at this time, Im reminded to not falter in the face of adversity because I've already been dealing with it.

If anyone should be reading this part, know that I am not truly miserable, I can distinguish when days are just bad and clustered together and that I can find happiness in the littlest things lately. It may take a minute of pouting and inner monologue but I find it.

Today I woke up at 5:15am for my first session. I also woke up at 5:15 the day before and the day before that. Im tired, Bry is tired, I didnt know what day it was when I woke up. Trained from 5:50am-8:10am, got on the train at 8:33am, got to work at 9:37am, worked all day on an ad that was suppose to be released to print by the afternoon. When I usually leave work at 5:30pm to catch a shuttle to the train station, my boss who flew in from LA wrote an email saying to stay until he got there so we could talk about a presentation due the next day. Stayed at work until 6pm. Caught a 6:10 train, got to Milford by 7pm, celebrated Bry's dad's birthday. Got home by 8:30pm to find that our a/c is broken and we only have 1 window that we can open in the apartment.

I freak out because the day has been long, it is now really hot in the apt, Im afraid I wont sleep and I still have to do a 60min row. I cry, I hop on the rower at 8:51pm. I finish by 9:50pm. Bry and I eat dinner, do laundry, and go to bed. I wake up Thursday morning at 6am to leave by 6:30am. I am at work at 7:30am because my boss needed me here early.

Where I was going to rant and cry and invite everyone to a pity party Im simply going to say that it is my choice for all of this. I chose to move and take a job, I chose to train and dedicate myself to my dreams and it takes a ton of sacrifice. These days are tough trying to juggle the stresses of life with the stresses of training for the Crossfit Games. But I wanted to be a Games athlete. It was my dream to do this and while it may feel like my small little world is crumbling around me, I know that I have gained a ton of support and have a great band of people by my side willing to make sacrifices of their own to make my dream work. There is a bit of selfishness to this, I get it, I dont necessarily like it, but sometimes when you want to accomplish something so big, selfishness is what it takes.

There are now 26 days standing between California and the Crossfit Milford team. I know that each of my teammates have sacrificed a lot to make that come to life. I also know that others version of sacrifice is different. It could be money, emotional support, wear and tear on their vehicles, countless missed occasions, water at weddings, switching geographic locations, but above all everyone has given up their time.

So, the world doesn't owe me anything because I chose my lifestyle, and I should stop thinking it does every time I stub my toe on life's coffee table. Everyone has given up something. Everyone knows whats required of them to get to the point where they need to be in order to have a goal as big as compete in the Crossfit Games. Its not easy. It takes a while to learn and some may never learn it. Thats OK. Its not wrong. Its just knowing what you have to prioritize above all else when adversity knocks on your door and punches you in the dick.

I dont know of a cheeky way to sign this little venting moment out, but if youre still reading this and you happen to feel discouraged, know that later on you can look back in another time of peril and say "well, shit, if I got through all that nonsense I sure as hell can get through this"

Now for training...

A.  Snatch pull + Hip Power Snatch; 1+4 x 4 sets - Stayed at 75# here. Shoulders and grip were beat today. Tried to work not being "lazy"

B.  BB front rack walking lunge steps x 10 x 3 sets *tough - 115#, 125#, 135#
*after each set do 2 rope climbs - 15 ft. with legs.. 2 pulls max here - Done
C.  GH raise x 8-10 x 3 sets - Done
gymnastics work - Did Monday's gymnastics. Completed all dips strict. Went UB on the kipping 20 portion. Completed the run/hs walk.

60 minute steady row.. keep HR under 140 BPM - 13,096 Stayed at 138-140 spiked to 150 the last few mins

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