Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday 6/8

I needed to get the little workout over with cause I was salty about doing it. I also flipped it accidentally and did power cleans first...then dips. Also, my dipping hurt today in my chest. Idk if its cause I havent dipped in a while or Im just a little wimp, but it felt like I got a knuckle to the sternum a few times.

The cleans were awesome though. Went UB and cycled through them quickly. I didnt move it as much as I did when I went against Axel, but I came out of it with blown up arms.

strict ring dip
pc @ 95#
A. snatch push press - 5sets x 5 @ 70% snatch - 125# wow. My poor arms
-hold OH lockout 2 seconds/rep, find "relaxed," support position(wrist back, shoulder down, elbow locked)

B. snatch + hang snatch(above knee) - 5sets x 1+2 @ 60-70% snatch - 105#, 110#, 115#, 120#, 125#

C. back squat
1set x 3 @ 65%(3 second pause in bottom on each rep) - 165#
 3 x 8 @ 75%(NO pause) - 190# this was 3 sets of 8 right? Tough!
 1 x 3 @ 65%(3 second pause in bottom on each rep) - 165#



5 rounds
20 pull ups
20 cal row
First set UB...sets after that went 10-5-5 then 7-3-5-5
Just so frustrating to not be that tired but just unable to complete the movement cause the muscle is exhausted. I really cant put into words how much it angers me. Colin helped me through the workout with tips and then we did some drills afterward. It was helpful and appreciated.

Life things:
- I woke up super cranky and in a "cant even" mood for some reason
- Ive been carb cycling and its making my body feel better
- I feel like maybe its the heat/humidity or just me but breathing feels harder lately...or maybe its the push to breathe harder. Im not sure yet.
- Almost everytime I run WITHOUT FAIL my calves have been cramping up making it very, very hard to push through a certain point. I think I need to start taking magnesium again and perhaps more hydration
- Had a very much needed lazy Sunday
- Can you hire me? Cause Idk how long I can be at the desk life anymore. Especially after Paul's recent venture #thefuckits

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