Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Monday 10/21

gymnastics work - repeat Monday from last week - Did Wednesdays from last week
A. Snatch pull under x 3 reps x 6 sets - 85#x2, 95#, 105#, 110#, 115#



B. BS; 65% x 4 reps @ 23x1 tempo x 5 sets - 160#

C. Clean pull + Clean (all off blocks @ knee) 1+1 x 5 sets @ 60-75% 

Ended up coming in and working with Colin on gymnastics stuff for an hour.

3 rounds
7 squat snatch @ 155/105
14 burpee over the barbell
21 CTB pull ups
rest 2 minutes bt. rounds

2:28/2:47/3:38 - smoked

Did a ton of shoulder intensive stuff when I got in in the evening with Colin. Roll to supports, ring thing stuff, handstand work, etc...ctb werent bad in rounds 1 and 2 broke them into 11/10 but the last round was nightmarish. Just tired and upper body was destroyed so I ended up doing doubles and singles at the end.

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