A. Hip clean + jerk dip + jerk (3+1+1) x 3 sets.. off feel - 145#, 165#, 185# almost had for all 3, but caught the third one really awkwardly and made a weird attempt to save that didnt work
185# miss
B. Snatch LO @ 100% x 3 + Spull x 2 x 3 sets @ 100%.. hold top of pull here - 185# C. CDL @ 110% x 3 x 3 - 220# *after each set do 10 TnG BJ @ 30/24” + 30-20-10 ring push ups w/ turn out Weighted back ext./ 45/25# plate held @ chest 6:19 buhh rest as needed
500m row @ 1:38/500 and 1:59/500 rest 2:45 x7 rounds Done! This sucked!
Gymnastics work - day 3 week 21 - Done + A. Snatch; 80-85% x 1, 70% x 1, 80-85% x 1, 70% x 1, 80-85% x 1, 70% x 1 - 125#, 135#-145# Felt goood...
C. BS @ 80% x 2 reps x 4 sets.. first rep is 55x1, 2nd rep is no pause - 195#
PM For time: 3 rounds 30 T2B 15 C&J @ 155/105# 9:18 So I actually did this first with GM and it was tough to breathe in the cold so that kinda sucked but it didn't feel like it took 9 mins..just kept moving and staying in front. Then ended up doing gymnastics, then did strength but couldn't finish cause the gym was closing..
Super modded today cause I was snowed in at my parents house. C. BB back rack lunge steps x 5/side x 3 sets - 105# finisher skill work *laying lat pull down w/ bands x 10 x 3 - Done
PM 20 minutes… Eliptical moderate pace - every 4 minutes sprint for 60 seconds rest 3 minutes 12 minute run @ 8:34 pace for 6 mins, 8:00 pace for 6 mins
Chunked the AM and PM into one session today A. CPU x 3 x 5 sets - 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#x2
B. Power Snatch from pause @ knee + ground (1+2) x 3 sets @ 72-80% of snatch max - 125#x2, 135# got a little confidence doing these. Not very good at the power movements.
135# a little forward on this one but 135# is not something I normally power snatch that many times in a row
C. Dead Stop FS x 5 total reps @ 85-90% of clean - 180# These felt easy. I was totally surprised. D. Clean DL; 90% x 5, 95% x 5, 100% x 5, 105% x 5 x 2 - 180#, 190#, 200#, 210#x2
3 rounds @ 85% 40 double unders 400m row 12 PC @ 135/95# 8 S2OH @ 135/95# rest 3 minutes bt. rounds 3:12/3:31/3:23 There was a large discrepancy in the 2nd round cause I broke the power cleans up differently. Holy shit fore arm destroyer. Was so surprised by how not good my arms felt after the row and a few reps in on power cleans. rest as needed
21 cal on aB 18 strict HSPU 15 cal on aB 15 strict dips 9 cal on aB 12 wall climbs 7:18 Wooooo...again talk about that arm pump. Everything felt pretty good up until the 6th wall walk and then my life felt like it spiraled away. Hspu went 10 then fast doubles, dips went 5/5/2/3
Gymnastics work - Done. Pb thing a ling dips were killer on the ol' arms + A. Snatch: build to a comfortable single, then drop 20% and do 5 singles - Didn't really build. Just got up to 135# then stayed and did my singles there. B. C&J; 80% x 2 singles x 3 sets - 160# push jerked cause theyre weaker for me
C. Front squat; Build to a tough triple in 3 attempts - 187# Didn't really try to go beyond that based on how 187# felt
PM 4 rounds 5 Hang Squat Santch, 155/105 15 CTB pull ups 10 FS, 155/105 30m double kb front rack walk @ 70/55#hand 16:29
This workout wasn't awful, but my right hand is shredded and made doing pullups way harder than theyve ever felt before. Idk, I think with that and that I accumulated over 200 a few days ago that they just felt super shitty and ate up a ton of time for me in this...
rest as needed
25 sec. row sprint @ max effort rest 2:10 x5 rounds Done. Stuff like this is turning into cake walks
Went to that crossfit get together workout thing Friday night so after coming in late from there and doing all the sessions, just didnt feel doing strength or any sort of pulling. 18-15-12 strict HSPU 50m sled pull (backwards) Did bw backsquats instead cause we were all pussies who didnt wanna be out in the cold and thats what Ry said he did. So did 18-15-12 backsquats at 142# - 6:51 + 500m row @ 1:38/500 and 2:05/500 pace rest 2:45 x6 (rest 5 minutes bt. rounds 3&4) Read as 2:03 pace so I stayed there with that. Felt very manageable compared to the guys paces.
100 cal on AB for time 11:01 I didnt know how to pace this, so I went pretty slow in the beginning hitting around 195 watts then realized I needed to pick my shit up and then stayed between 250-300 for a while...
AM Gymnastics strength work - week 20 day 2 - Done + A. BN clean grip PJ + SJ - build to a comfy single, then drop 15% and do 1 set - Worked up to 187# but it was weird cause I missed it a few times...Idk its not a heavy weight for me but something got in my head yesterday and it just didn't click for a while
One of my misses at 187#
B. BB back rack box step ups @ 115 -155/75-105 to 24/20” box x 5/side x 5 sets - 110# it was a little too heavy, but I was lazy in removing plates so I just stuck to what was on there. Brutal though. These are never any fun *after each set to 2 depth broad jumps from 20/15” box C.1 db bent over row x 5/side x 3 - 65# C.2 feet elevated hollow ring pull through x 5 x 3 sets (watch Coach Colin's IG account for this) - Done
PM 30 sec. on AB @ 500/350 watts 30 sec. on AB @ 125/100 watts x12 rest 3 minutes - complete 50 ft. handstand walk in this rest time x3 sets Done. Also did 10x5 GHD sit ups.
AM A. CPU x 2 x 5 sets - 77#, 99#, 110#, 121#, 130# lololol...kilos
B. SDL + PS from pause @ knee (2+1) x 4 sets @ 70-75% - 115#, 121#
C. Deadstop FS x 5 total reps @ 80-85% of clean from below parallel start - 165#, 170# Wow this was fucking horrible
skill work freestanding handstand holds
PM 5 rounds @ 85% effort.. keep same times each round here 30 cal on rower 10 DL @ 225/135 10 barbell facing burpees 10 strict HSPU 50 double unders rest 5 mintues bt. rounds Only had time to do 3 rounds before the gym closed :/ But not bad at all. Felt pretty easy. 4:24/4:34/4:37
AM gymnastics strength work; week 20 day 1 - Done + B. C&J @ 90% x 1 rep on the 75 seconds x 4 sets - 180#
Feeling better with this, missed one of the reps on account of laziness but overall I like lifting at this percentage because I have more confidence from it.
D. EmOM x 7 minutes; 3 bar MU + 3 CTB pull ups - Done
CTB were a little slow and less powerful
Only had time for so much this morning, got started kinda late and picked what I thought would be more beneficial with the time I had.
PM 9-7-5 Clean @ 205/125 MU FS @205/125 30m double kb front rack walk @ 70/55# per hand 11:29
Sweaty. I honestly think the ceilings are slanted a little in the annex. Went to go unbroken on the MU but ended getting 8/1, 6/1, 5...really dumb ha everything else went fine. Colin showed me a way to keep more tension at the bottom of the MU which I think was life changing cause I didnt feel as tired going through them. The only thing that messed up my flow was the rings floated to the side a few times. Also forgot about the AB sprints cause I got distracted by Liz and C...
A. Snatch; 65% x 5, 75% x 4, 80% x 2 singles x 3 sets - 110#, 125#, 135# B. C&J Cluster; 1.1.1 x 3 @ 70-75% , rest 20 sec., rest 90 seconds - 150# C. BS; 25x1 tempo @ 90% of clean x 3 reps x 3 sets - 185# *after each set of BS perform 5 CTB pull ups + 5 kipping CTB pull ups + 5 ctb pull ups w/out coming off the bar - First set was good and UB, then I got sort of frustrated cause it was cold and my hands were feeling super crunchy so I couldnt hold on.
Tried to stay at a consistent pace, got pretty aerobic cause I found myself breathing super heavy about a round in. It was nice though. Definitely a fun workout. Wish it could had been a little longer. Went UB on everything.
rest as needed
7 minutes on the AB 30 sec. @ 90% effort 500/350 watts 30 sec. @ 50% effort - 150/100 watts Done
AM Gymnastics strength work - day 2 week 19 - Done + 20 minute row @ 1:50/500 pace for men and 2:03/500 pace for women - Stayed at 2:10 pace. Sweeeeeeaty. rest 5 minutes 20 minute AD @ 250/175 watts - Managable. Easier than the row for sure.
PM A. BN Clean grip PJ + SJ; 65% 2+2, 75% 1+2, 80% 1+1 x 2 - Did 145# for 65%, failed at 75% which was 170# twice and decided to just move on. Warm up was sub par and just not focused B.1 BB back rack box step ups @ 115-155, 75-105 onto 24/20” box for 4/side x 5 sets - 100# this was so freaking difficult but totally needed B.2 DB bent over row x 5/side x 5 sets - 55# probably should have challenged self more C. RdL to top of knee @ 80% of clean x 5 x 3 sets - 165# hurt hands Came in feeling like an 8, got a call that dropped me to a 4. There's some unnecessary family drama going on this week that hasn't let down so mentally I wasn't even there that night. Nothing major. Just hormonal and putting up with silly bullshit. Rest day totally needed for dealing with external life stressors.
AM A. Clean pull under x 3 x 5 sets - 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#x2
B. 3 position power clean; mid thigh, top of knee, ground x 5 sets @ 70% - 140# These felt soooo gooood
C. Snatch DL @ 105% x 5 x 3 sets - 175# PM 5 rounds for time @ 80% effort 20/15 cal on AB 3 wall climbs Subbed for 6 WB @20# to 10 ft target instead 7 PC @ 155/105# 10 lateral box jump overs, 30/24” 8 strict HSPU rest 4 minutes bt. rounds Wore an elevation mask for this. First time doing so. Not so bad. 4:01(had to wait for the class to finish on the wall)/3:17/3:21/3:07/3:09
Friday - Full rest day, shoulder stretching, foam rolling
Saturday - Competition
Sunday - 1200m row at easy pace, competition spectating
Monday - Full rest day, house cleaning, life organizing for the week
Switched the AM and PM since I got done with Tuesdays session at 8:30pm AM Gymnastics work - Done + 6 minutes on the AD 30 sec. @ Over 400 watts 30 sec rest (rest 3 minutes after the 6 minutes) x3 sets Done
3 sets of 12 back extensions
2 sets of GHD sit ups
PMA. Clean pull + Clean from blocks @ knee (1+2) x 3 sets @ 70-75% - 145#x2, 150#x1
B. Snatch squat press x 3 x 3 sets - 85# Shoulders have been feeling kinda janky lately and this is exposing it. Need to be taking some better care in prehabbing them during warm ups.
C. Front squat @ 65% @ 23x1 tempo x 3 x 4 sets - 140# Felt easy and smooth. Really happy to be squatting and doing tempos like this again.
AM A. BN Press + frt rack press x 2+3 x 5 - 75#x3, 85#x2
B. Good Morning x 8 x 3 sets - 95# C. 1/4 FS @ 90% of best clean x 5 x 3 sets.. hold final rep for 10 sec. in front rack position - 185#
I didn't read where it said to hold for 10secs D:
D. Strict freestanding handstand hold - x 3 sets for max accumulated time.. use float method against wall if you need to - Didn't record time, but they are decent
PM 12 minutes on the clock - operating @ 85-90% here..nothing over 90% effort 2K row - bonus points for guys sub 7 and girls sub 8:30 amrap RKC russian kb snatch 55/35#.. alternating every 5 reps
*if you go sub 7/8 then automatically add 10 reps Row - 8:17 + 64 snatches + 10 bonus points = 74