Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sunday 5/30 & Monday 6/1 A new beginning

I didn't have time to come in the morning Monday and get most of the AM strength done. Did half the gymnastics Monday night and the rest Tuesday morning. Woof. Also, Im going to detail these blogs a bit more cause I feel like, this is my blog and Im allowed to do that and I also dont get too much of a chance to tell you (Jay) whats going on when its going on.

45 minute mountain run
Every .5 mile do 50 air squats 

Got 3.5 miles and ended up doing 250 air squats
This was all Bryan's idea and idk why I did it because it hurts to walk down the stairs

C. Front Squat @ 75-80%x3 reps x 5 sets - 165#x3, 175#x2 felt strong and capable
3 rounds
15 thrusters @ 95#
15 CTB pull ups
It came down to actually having trouble with the thrusters. I just felt out of shape and like they were clunky and heavy. Bry said I guide it down and use too much energy there. CTB were on point. I need to do more stuff like this.
100 wall balls, 14# to 10 ft.
40 strict HSPU
20 PC @ 155#
I didnt sucker Liz into doing this, she just wanted to, so it was really nice to have her there for that push because shes good at this stuff. Went all 10s for the WB and I think ended around 5:30...HSPU felt bad after that. Stuck with 3s and 2s there and when Liz came off the wall before me I went to quick singles the last 7. Caught her in the PC. Those felt alright.

Some life things
- 3 Weeks before regionals my mom told me she hoped we didnt make it to the games. She hated and didnt understand crossfit. It made me feel really shitty. Now she has been a member at Stroud for 2 weeks, likes it, watched regionals and actually got emotional and started understanding what the hell we were doing. Its really nice to be able to talk to her about our training and the things involved with that. Im in a much better place with her as far as that goes.
- I was accepted onto Stone Cold's Broken Skull Challenge. They asked me to come out June 16-19 for filming and I had to decline because I didnt want to put myself in a position to get injured before the games.
- Trying to get a new job at Lauren's Whole Foods so I can be closer to home/not want to kill myself at work because of terrible corporate nature of things.
- Im excited for ocean swimming.
- Im almost positive you want me dead with this programming.

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